Call for Tutorials

Learning on Graphs Conference, 2022

Table of Contents

Important Dates

(All deadlines are “Anywhere On Earth”.)

  • August 1st, 2022: Call for tutorials opens

  • October 10th, 2022: Deadline for tutorial proposals

  • October 31st, 2022: Tutorial acceptance notification

  • December 5th, 2022: Deadline for final tutorial materials due for posting online

  • December 9th, 2022: Tutorial Presentations

Call For Tutorials

We welcome virtual proposals from areas broadly related to learning on graphs and geometry. The purpose of LoG tutorials is to build knowledge and provide hands-on training in various topics relevant to the geometry and machine learning communities. Tutorials are opportunities for participants across all levels of expertise to learn about new areas in LoG or further advance their skills in LoG areas they are already knowledgeable about. As such, tutorials must be self-contained; necessary background material should be covered at some point during the tutorial.

LoG tutorials are expected to provide a balanced perspective on a field of research. They should not focus exclusively on any results or tools by the presenters and/or their organizations. It is recommended for tutorials to maintain a balance between known results and open problems.

Possible topic areas may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Expressive Graph Neural Networks
  • GNN architectures (transformers, new positional encodings, …)
  • Equivariant architectures
  • Statistical theory on graphs
  • Causal inference (structural causal models, …)
  • Algorithmic reasoning
  • Geometry processing
  • Robustness and adversarial attacks on graphs
  • Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms
  • Graph Kernels
  • Graph Signal Processing/Spectral Methods
  • Graph Generative Models
  • Scalable Graph Learning Models and Methods
  • Graphs for Recommender Systems
  • Graph/Geometric ML for Computer Vision
  • Knowledge Graphs
  • Graph ML for Natural Language Processing
  • Graph/Geometric ML for Molecules (molecules, proteins, drug discovery, …)
  • Graph ML for Security
  • Graph ML for Health
  • Graph/Geometric ML for Physical sciences
  • Graph ML Platforms and Systems
  • Self-supervised learning on graphs
  • Trustworthy graph ML (fairness, privacy, …)
  • Graph/Geometric ML Infrastructures (datasets, benchmarks, libraries, …)

If you doubt whether your tutorial fits the venue, feel free to contact!

Tutorial Organization

Tutorials will be presented virtually on December 9, 2022. The length of tutorials should be a total of 3 hours.

Proposal Structure

Tutorial proposals should be no longer than 4 pages in 12-point font submitted in PDF format, and are clearly structured to provide the following information:

  • Title
  • Abstract (max 250 words)
  • Learning objectives
  • Draft schedule (total length is 3 hours)
    • Include draft talk titles or draft content to be covered in each section.
    • Identify and highlight blocks of hands-on content
  • Relevance to LoG
  • Previous related tutorials
    • List related or similar tutorials presented in the past 3 years at another venue
    • Describe the similarities and differences between the previous tutorials and proposed tutorial. If available, please include URLs for slides and video recordings
  • Draft list of tutorial speakers (max 3) with titles, affiliations, and short biographies
  • Intended audience and level
    • Maximum number of attendees participating
    • Describe the targeted audience of the tutorial and the level at which it should be taught (e.g. beginner, past experience, advanced knowledge)

Submit your proposal using this Tutorial Proposal Submission Form.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Could I submit multiple proposals? No, each presenter can submit at most one proposal.

  • Could tutorials contain programming components? Yes! It is encouraged to incorporate hands-on activities, especially those that may allow participants to write bits of code or run toy examples.

  • Will the tutorials be recorded? Yes, the tutorials will be recorded.

For other questions, please contact us at